
Project Live believes that housing is more than just a roof over a person’s head but also a “home”, and that decent and affordable housing, ongoing supportive services, and employment opportunities are critical to the process of recovery. The agency subscribes to the “HOUSING FIRST” model, and, therefore strives to provide an environment that is supportive of each individual’s steps to wellness and recovery.
Project Live’s A+ Level Group Homes are located throughout Essex County and are staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, with dedicated professionals who help residents learn the skills they will need to manage their own household.

All residents are involved in some activity during the day: partial care or vocational program, school, work or pursuits of their choice. Treatment is collaborative, with the day activity, and is designed to maximize the individual’s level of functioning and independence while promoting self-esteem and accomplishment.

Each person has space of his/her own, but also can explore shared experiences with others in the house and, thereby, begin to develop a network of peer support. The program provides services on site so that the individuals attain the skills needed to maintain housing, connect to treatment, increase income and self-sufficiency, attend to physical health care needs, and function successfully within the community.

Project Live, Inc. does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, age, color, gender, marital status, physical or mental handicap, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity or ability to pay.

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