Essex-Newark Legal Services (ENLS) is a private non-profit organization that provides free legal assistance in civil matters to very low income residents of Essex County, New Jersey. ENLS’ service area consists of the whole of Essex County which includes the cities of Newark, East Orange, Orange and Irvington.
Legal Services
Community Health Law Project
Founded in 1976, the Community Health Law Project is a statewide nonprofit advocacy and legal services organization. Originally designed to deliver legal and advocacy services to the increasing number of people with mental illness leaving institutions and living in the community during the late 1970s, CHLP has expanded its innovative service model to include people from nearly all disability groups–those with developmental disabilities, visual impairments, physical disabilities, and people living with HIV/AIDS.
Our Mission
To provide legal and advocacy services, training, education, and related activities to persons with disabilities and, in certain issues, to organizations representing their interests, with an emphasis on those most vulnerable and needy.